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Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Your purveyor of tweetastic Kenyan news

#KoT: The 43rd Kenyan Tribe

You have to give credit where it is due and judging from the famous hash tag #KoT (Kenyans on twitter) the talk here reeks of world class humor that you only get when you have a congregation of creative minds. I often wonder why we don’t have any outstanding sitcoms in Kenya yet the content provided on twitter is befitting. From chicken sagas to marriage bill debates the Kenyan discussions on twitter are varied as they are lively. We are going to start by a brief history and intro to the twitterverse of Kenya’s so as to get to the gist of our weekly review of KoT’s.

Kenya tweetstory: brief history of Kenya on twitter

With such creative and witty wordsmiths you only need to visit twitter to get your daily fix of humor and keep yourself updated on what’s going on in the Kenyan social scene. There is immense passion that is shown on social issues equaled by great venom dished out in response to topics/people/countries that KoT’s, as they are collectively called, feel aggrieved by.
Kenya has had 1 war since independence, the recent incursion into Somalia by Kenya Defence Forces, but twitter has seen several wars erupt against aggressors most notably the Kenya VS Nigeria tweef (fights/wars on twitter). Fought for weeks, the tweef that used hash tags #someonetellnigeria #someonetellKenya generated a lot of buzz and rib cracking jokes at members of the two countries that in the end brought people together rather than divided showing the immense power of social media. Even twitter recognized KoT’s power and has special hashtags dedicated to them, namely

Trolling: those ugly tweets

There is never good without the existence of evil (let’s call it bad for the conservative readers) .Due to the anonymity of social media you can’t help but have your fair share of saboteurs, haters and trouble makers collectively known as trolls. These are the people who will provoke others by using negative language, crude jokes and all forms of bullying. Yeah, twitter is more like the real world hence not a good place for escapists. Funny enough, many twitter users may have trolled (the act of writing provoking messages on social media) at one time or the other.

Enough of the back-story, we delve into the hot topics over the past week

Ø  Starting us of is the controversial #MarriageBill debate that spun of other tags like #marriagebillya mahustler

Ø  The Nyeri chicken saga had so many variants that just searching for the words kuku and nyerimen provided a list of comedy fodder that left you in stitches. FYI this one trended worldwide, quite an accomplishment.

Ø  Showing that we are still colonized the royal baby had its say with Kate Middleton strongly on the Kenyan trend list

Ø  It’s always there due to corporates who discovered the power of twitter as a customer service tool; #kindlyDM is a daily if not weekly guest on the Kenyan trend list.

Final Word

 Definitely the best way to spend time online; keep it KoT and you will have fun socializing with crazy Kenyan tweeps (users of twitter) as well as like minded internationals. We will have more KoT news for you at the end of the week.

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