10.Pirates of The Caribbean 4 - On Stranger Tides
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Saturday, December 31, 2011
Mtaani254's 11 Movies for 2011
10.Pirates of The Caribbean 4 - On Stranger Tides
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
775,820 Candidates sat for their KCPE examination in 2011.Education minister Sam Ongeri announced the five counties with highest number of candidates as Nairobi, Nakuru, Kiambu, Kakamega, Bungoma. There was a 32% growth in KCPE candidature since 2003. Near gender parity was also achieved with with a ratio of 51.6pc (boys); 48.4pc (girls). The use of ''sheng'' (slang) has been blamed for adulterating the quality of English and Swahili in the country making Tanzania and Mauritius rank higher in the region than Kenya in a survey that was conducted on literacy levels.
According to the education minister,Hon.Sam Ongeri, having children repeat classes has also been deemed detrimental to their performance as research has shown over age pupils perform poorly. The practice of taking children to school too late also contributes to this poor performance.1st and 2nd terms to be longer,16weeks each and 3rd term to be 8weeks to allow for an exam period where all schools will be closed #kcpe2011.
Over 5,806 candidates scored over 400 marks. The top candidate this year scored 442 marks compared to 434 and 438 in 2010 and 2009 respectively. The top female candidate in the 2011 KCPE exams is Kagiri Christine Muthoni (F) 442 and she shares the top spot with Irungu Martin Waiharo (M) who also scored 442.The list is as follows
Top Five 2011 KCPE Candidates Nationally
1.Kagiri Christine Muthoni & Irungu Waiharu 442
2.Karanja Hebert Christine 441
3.Kuol Tito Yak 440
4.Diana Adhiambo 439
Top 5 KCPE 2011 Counties
4.Uasin Gishu
To check for the KCPE 2011 Results use either option 1 or 2 below:
1. SMS Index Number to 5052 to get 2011 KCPE Results on SMS
2. Visit the website for checking the results is http://www.knec-results.ac.ke/ and http://www.knec.ac.ke/
Monday, December 19, 2011
Project Appraisal in Third World Countries by Ruth Thuku
A project is one shot, time limited initiative which is unique i.e.no one project is similar to another that is performed to create change, solve a problem or to improve an existing project. Since a project is carried once in a lifetime never to be repeated again it means a mistake made at the initial stage will carry the error throughout the lifetime of the project, hence the need for project appraisal.
Project appraisal is the process of evaluating the viability of a project before its implementation to avoid failure of the project in the future due to unforeseen risk that could have been planned during appraisal and mitigated.
Project appraisal has four main steps and they include;
1. Idea stage –This is the inception of the project. An idea is initiated in this stage and an analysis for its go ahead to be given. If there is merit to continue it goes to stage two.
2. Preliminary survey- this involves consideration of the projects benefits against cost before a detailed analysis is taken, it includes analysis on finance, market, raw materials availability and quality equipments and availability.
3. Project Appraisal-this is critical analysis of all factors that are included in making the project successful throughout, it is involves planning actual sources of funds and clarification from these institution of their willingness to provide funds, alternative sources of funds, markets of the output, availability of raw materials and their reliability, social, economic, political and environment effect of the project.
4. Implementation stage-this involves procuring equipments on time to avoid delay at the same time avoid storage costs when they bought before completion of the plant construction, plant construction, installation of equipments and commissioning.
This are the procedures required before starting a business to ensure the investor takes a calculated risk but in third world countries projects are determined by;
Political interest-if the ruling party is for the project they force the government into licensing the project appraisal or imposing pressure on appraising officers to approve the project which leads to its failure, also making the government into accepting very expensive projects causing wastage of public funds.
If majority of politicians are against the project due personal interest they cause rejection of very productive projects that could have otherwise been of benefit to the whole country.
Effects of Globalization - the change in the way of doing things by Ruth Thuku
Since 19th century technology has rapidly changed. Technology started with the discovery of fire by the early man. Since then man has been improving his way of doing things example fire helped man keep away wild animals, keep himself warm during the night and later as means of communication.
Later man discovered precious metal like bronze that initiated trade by being used as a means of trade and as store of value it was also used for making weapons for hunting and also initiated war between human beings due to resources that began to be scarce as the population increased. This made it easier for man to acquire the items he didn’t have, man could exchange ideas and improved relationship between different inhabitants in different regions.
However, discovery of computer and its improvement throughout the period from mainframes to micro-computers has accelerated changes in technology hence improving globalization and bringing people closer to one another. Technology has improved communication from messages, smoke horn blowing, use of landlines, mobile phones and the latest is internet.
Internet has enabled e-learning which has made it easier to access higher learning from abroad without traveling outside one’s own country, this has reduced the cost traveling, maintenance and convenient since class attendance are part-time hence giving students to do other jobs as they go on with their education.
It has enabled communication throughout the world. People can now communicate with other people within the same country or in other parts of the world. This has been manifested with the interaction on facebook, twitter, 2go and other interaction channels. Also people get news about situations in the world example is the leakage of Japan’s bombs causing tsunami in the ocean and the killing of Osama Bin Laden by U.S.A troops immediately become known by the whole world within less than twelve hours.
It has led to increased competition in production of goods and services. This is because globalization has opened new markets, easy access to this markets and access of quality raw materials and cheap labor. This become an advantage to consumer as competition has led to improved quality of products and cheap prices since producers are always strive to get a wider market, increase sales and retain these customers.
Through globalization infrastructure has been improved as poor countries can now access cheap quality products to improve their infrastructure like machines and other materials to make roads. They have also helped in improved knowledge on how to make quality roads and maintain them by natives who charge lower prizes. Improved infrastructure helps a country to improve its competition due to low cost of production and ease of transport of products to the market.
Though globalization has great benefits to all people in the world it has also side effects on the world.
Through increased competition it has led to failure of small businesses which couldn’t keep up with the technology rendering many employees jobless and increasing dependency ratio, disintegration of culture and loss of values leading to increased immorality like theft, pornography, homosexuality, rape and other vices. It has also led to pollution of environment by carbon products released to the air damaging ozone layer, land degradation and water pollution that has led to chronic diseases like skin cancer.
Though there are negative effects we can conclude that the benefits out way the cost as there is improved health care increasing child survival, improved communication and manual work, making the world a global village.
Small Business Enterprises in Kenya by Ruth Thuku
Small business enterprises are businesses owned by one person, with one to ten employees who are controlled by the owner. These businesses have less output compared with medium sized business due to small number of employees and inadequate collateral to borrow more funds for expansion.
- Kenya is among the best countries that have promoted and invested largely in small business enterprises in the world.
Many Kenyans have invested in small business due to many factors that have been evidenced by issues arising in the day to day behaviors of people as discussed below.
Due to increase in spread of HIV/AIDs pandemic many Kenyans are either infected or affected thus raising the zeal to invest and earn extra money to support family members that are infected or to pay for the antiretroviral drugs that have become very expensive to afford for many people.
Nowadays the education system in Kenya is trying to change the mind set in many Kenyans by advocating for investment by students in small businesses to reduce dependency on white color jobs which have become adverse because of rise in the number of educated persons in Kenya. In the recent past Kenya has started free education program that has resulted to, many people accessing education. Also Kenya has introduced entrepreneurship and related course e.g. marketing in many institutions like KASNEB and in universities they are included as units example is Kimathi University.
The cost of living in Kenya is rapidly increasing making the rational Kenyans to prepare for their future by starting their own small businesses to earn extra income to support their families, improve their living standard and safeguard against total starvation in the future.
The government of Kenya has been at the fore front in promoting venturing in small business. Apart from providing free primary education and subsidized secondary education, it has set aside a certain amount of funds from its budget as youth fund, this fund allowed youths to form groups and borrow funds from the ministry of youth with less collateral required and easy to get i.e. less bureaucracy.
There is also support from the world by non-government organizations and other institutions. Recently the World Bank donated to the youth kitty through the “Kazi kwa vijana” initiative.
However, with all this support there has been set backs that has made Kenya lag behind and still listed as a third world country, this include;
The World Bank has revealed misappropriation of the funds that it had donated to help the youth, claim that made the officials responsible to refund the unused funds to the World Bank.
High cost of living that has been revealed by recent loss of value by Kenya shilling making imports expensive and export cheap hence more difference in balance of payments and increase in price of consumer goods. All this has increased consumption reducing the incentive to invest, it has made in closure of many businesses. It has made many youths to lose hope of ever becoming successful in life thus indulging in alcohol of which are mostly illegal brews example is “yokozuna” in maina village that killed about five young people instantly in Nyahururu and others in kiambu and Nairobi that led to a few losing their lives and others losing eyesight and drug abuse.
This and others have set back the effort to make Kenya join first world countries. However, with all this problems Kenyans have not lost their hope in the achievement of vision 2030 by coming up with business incubators that nurture young talents to help improve our technology.
Saturday, December 17, 2011
UEFA Champions League Round of 16 Draw
Round of 16 draw
SSC Napoli (ITA) vs Chelsea FC (ENG)
AC Milan (ITA) vs Arsenal FC (ENG)
FC Basel 1893 (SUI) vs FC Bayern München (GER)
Bayer 04 Leverkusen (GER) vs FC Barcelona (ESP, holders)
PFC CSKA Moskva (RUS) vs Real Madrid CF (ESP
FC Zenit St Petersburg (RUS) vs SL Benfica (POR)
Olympique de Marseille (FRA) vs FC Internazionale Milano (ITA)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Steve Jobs Dies at 56
Apple Inc co-founder and visionary CEO up to August 24 2011 has passed on aged 56 years old. Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955 by Paul and Clara Jobs of Mountain View, California, who named him Steven Paul. He leaves behind his wife Laurene Powell Jobs and their four children.He was also served as the CEO of Pixar animation studios and a Director of the Walt Disney Company in 2006.Under his leadership Apple Inc. has been a technological giant in the computer and mobile handset industry for many decades as well as being an innovative company that has produced revolutionary gadgets such as the iphone and ipad. There is also the successful line of Apple computers which run on MAC operating systems.
Jobs was a successful inventor and was either primary inventor or co-inventor of 338 US patents or patent applications related to a wide range of technologies. he is described as many as one of the greatest American innovators who wasn't afraid of thinking differently and had a vision of changing the world.
Jobs announced to his employees that he had been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his pancreas in mid 2004. Job had stated that he had a rare and far less aggressive type known as islet cell neuroendocrine tumor.He initially resisting the idea of conventional medical intervention and embarked on a special diet to thwart the disease. Later on in July 2004, Jobs underwent a pancreaticoduodenectomy (also known as "Whipple procedure") that appeared to successfully remove the tumor.during this period Jobs did not require nor receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
Numerous messages of condolence have poured in from millions of people all over the world to the extent of crashing down some social media sites like twitter. messages have also come from prominent personalities such as US president Barrack Obama, Microsoft Co-founder and Chairman Bill Gates, Facebook Founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg amongst others
Jobs was a successful inventor and was either primary inventor or co-inventor of 338 US patents or patent applications related to a wide range of technologies. he is described as many as one of the greatest American innovators who wasn't afraid of thinking differently and had a vision of changing the world.
Jobs announced to his employees that he had been diagnosed with a cancerous tumor in his pancreas in mid 2004. Job had stated that he had a rare and far less aggressive type known as islet cell neuroendocrine tumor.He initially resisting the idea of conventional medical intervention and embarked on a special diet to thwart the disease. Later on in July 2004, Jobs underwent a pancreaticoduodenectomy (also known as "Whipple procedure") that appeared to successfully remove the tumor.during this period Jobs did not require nor receive chemotherapy or radiation therapy.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011
: Things to Ask Yourself When Buying Garden Sheds
Garden sheds serve a variety of purposes. They make great extra storage spaces for a myriad of items. They can be used as your personal space where you can indulge in woodworking or other hobbies.
Things to Ask Yourself When Buying Garden Sheds
Garden sheds serve a variety of purposes. They make great extra storage spaces for a myriad of items. They can be used as your personal space where you can indulge in woodworking or other hobbies. There are numerous garden sheds available today. It is important to choose the correct shed which will fit all your needs. Before you go out the door to buy a garden shed, you need to ask yourself the questions listed below.
Why do you want a garden shed? Before you purchase a garden shed, you should know what purpose it will serve. Will it be used as a playhouse for little children? Will it be used as a storage area for your power tools? Or will it just become a space in the garden which you can use now and then? The purpose of the garden shed will also determine what material it should be made and how large or small it will be.
How much space do you have in your garden? You have to take into consideration how much space you have in your garden because it is a must for your shed to fit in the garden. You would not want to get a garden shed which is too small or too large. Measure the space in your garden accurately. Jot down the measurements so that you do not forget them.
What kind of extras should the garden shed come with? Knowing your needs, as well as the purpose of the shed, will help you determine what accessories or add-ons the shed should come with. If you will be constantly moving heavy equipment in and out of your shed, it will be very helpful to get a ramp. For sheds which will be used for storage purposes, additional shelving will help you maximize your space. Ventilation is also necessary. For people planning to work in their garden sheds, it can get awfully hot so make sure there is proper ventilation.
What material do you want the shed to be made of? Garden sheds usually come in three basic materials; metal, vinyl and wood. When you buy a garden shed, you want a material which is not only durable; you also want a material which is sufficient for all your needs. Wood is very appealing to the eyes, but it can be very costly. Metal is durable, and it comes in different colors. It is not as expensive as wood, but it is not very pleasing to the eyes. Vinyl is the best choice for people who do not have a lot of time on their hands for maintenance, and it is also very affordable. However, it is not as durable as metal or wood.
Do you want to buy a garden shed or build one yourself? For DIY people who love making things with their hands, there are shed kits available which have plans and materials included. For people who are not very good with putting things together, pre-assembled garden sheds are the best solutions. Garden sheds are not very hard to find nowadays. They are available at your local garden centres.
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>Garden Sheds
Title: Different Types of Sheds
Summary: For people who need extra space outside their homes, sheds are the best solutions. They can provide you shelter and room. There are various designs of sheds today and there are also various manufacturers of sheds.
For people who need extra space outside their homes, sheds are the best solutions. They can provide you shelter and room. There are various designs of sheds today and there are also various manufacturers of sheds. They come in a wide range of materials and prices. There is always a shed fit for your needs, be it for your hobbies or for your tools.
When you buy a shed, you should know what your purpose is. This will narrow down your selection so that you do not waste time looking at sheds which are not appropriate for your needs. You have to make sure that you have enough space in the garden for your shed. A budget is also necessary. You would not want to spend too much money on a shed. If you are thinking about getting a shed, you should know what selections are available today. Listed here are the different types of sheds according to purpose.
Hobby Shed. This is a shed which is especially suited for people who have hobbies they would like to indulge in and, want a good place where they can work without any disturbance. Sheds for this purpose are also called garden workshops. This is ideal for people who like to make DIY projects like arts and crafts or scrapbooks.
Storage Shed. This is a shed which is built specifically for housing several items. This is classic in style and this is also the most common type of shed. The main purpose of this shed is functionality. Most storage sheds are constructed from durable materials like timber. This type of shed provides plenty of storage like shelves. There are three different types of storage sheds; metal sheds, wooden sheds and vinyl sheds. Wooden sheds look very great but they cost a lot of money. Metal sheds are also durable like wooden sheds but they are not very pleasing to the eyes. Lastly, vinyl sheds are not very costly but they are not as durable as wooden and metal sheds. Gambrel sheds are a great example of storage sheds. This has a high ceiling so that you can easily store items without having to stoop down.
Summer Houses. This is also called garden rooms. This is ideal for people who would like to spend their summers enjoying their gardens. You can further relax by sitting and relaxing while enjoying a glass of cold lemonade. There are various options for summer houses or garden rooms. They can also be turned into a small office unit by installing office chairs, a desk and other office equipment. What can be better than working and enjoying nature at the same time?
Smaller storage sheds. These sheds are also built for storage but this is smaller than regular storage sheds. This is ideal for people who do not need a full storage shed for lack of space in the garden. These sheds are more economical than the traditional storage sheds but they can still offer you plenty of space for garden equipment such as forks, spades and even the lawnmower.
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>Garden Sheds
Title :Your Guide to Buying Steel Sheds
Summary: Steel is a durable material. It can withstand the harsh beatings of the environment and it can stand the test of time. This is what makes steel a very appealing material for a lot of people who are looking for sheds for storage purposes.
Article body
Steel is a durable material. It can withstand the harsh beatings of the environment and it can stand the test of time. This is what makes steel a very appealing material for a lot of people who are looking for sheds for storage purposes. They make great housings for tools, special equipment, tractors and other items. Steel sheds are indeed cost effective solutions for storage and organization needs.
Today there are lots of manufacturers which make steel sheds. They come in a wide range of prices, as well as sizes. They can be bought pre-assembled and they can also be bought in DIY kits if you are the type of person who would like to make the shed yourself. You can also have a contractor construct the shed for you. Choosing a steel shed can be a bit confusing especially for first timers, so here is a guide for you to make the search easier.
Guarantee, steel sheds come with a range of guarantees depending on the brand or the manufacturer. The guarantee may vary from as short as 5 years or as long as 20 years. The guarantee covers various things pertaining to the shed.
Security, steel sheds are considered to be very secure. Most sheds sold today already come with lockable doors. Before you purchase a steel shed, you must check the locking devices and the thickness of the steel. There are various types of locking mechanisms. Most steel sheds come with top and bottom door latches. Each manufacturer uses a different method of securing the shed. The thickness of the metal also contributes to the security of the steel shed.
Thickness, the life of your shed will depend on its location. The life of a shed placed in coastal and heavily industrialized areas is shortened. Salt from the sea air, as well as chemicals from manufacturing plants, will only hasten corrosion so you need a shed which is especially thick when you live in areas like these. Good steel sheds should come with coating which will make it more resistant to corrosion.
Roof Styles, steel sheds come with a variety of door styles. A few door styles are pent roofs and gabled sheds. Pent roofs slant in one direction, while gabled sheds look like the roof of a house.
Door Styles, the most common types of doors for steel sheds are rolled doors, sliding doors and standard hinged units. Each type of door has their pros and cons. You should look for a door which opens wide enough to allow you to freely maneuver the items you would like to store in the shed.
Accessories, the shed can be easily accessorized to fit your purpose or your needs. Steel sheds can be manufactured with windows and skylights, if you so desire. This will reduce the need for electricity if you work in the shed during daytime. If you want to store a lot of things in the shed, you can also add shelving to it.
Floor, most people want steel sheds with concrete slabs because it is durable. You should look for flooring which is designed to provide the shed with protection from moisture. Moisture causes condensation. Condensation can lead to the damage of the items stored inside the shed.
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>Garden Sheds
Monday, September 12, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
The Return of The English Premier League
Having taken a break for 2 or so months the greatest drama series on earth is back. The English Premier League started off last weekend with some pomp as newcomers were shown a baptism of fire, West Brom being beaten 2-1 by Man U, QPR thrashed 4-0 by Bolton (lucky devils) and so was Swansea by Man City. They definitely received a warm welcome from being promoted from the championship.
Debutants making headlines were the likes of Gervinho (Arsenal) being red carded, Sergio Aguero ( Man City) scoring a brace and giving an assist and Chelsea Manager Villas Boas starting off with a nil - nil draw against an impressive Stoke City. Being a Man U fan I cant help but be biased and complement new signing Ashley Young, academy products Tom Cleverly and Danny Welbeck for making impressive starts in this years campaign and we hope to see more of them, as for Degea, he just needs EPL experience to build his confidence. Man U man to watch out for this season, Anderson#8 and Ashley Young#18 As he weeks progress we are bound to see more exciting matches and emphatic score-lines.
The weekend also saw the end of the longest,grueling and ultimately cat and mouse transfer sagas in football history. Cesc Fabregas joined his boy hood club,FC Barcelona, for 30 million Euros plus some other clauses in a 5 year deal. Phew!! Really glad it's all over as it was becoming a big bore every season since it was a matter of when and not if.
Back home in the Kenya premier League, Gor Mahia FC recorded an unfair draw with robbed team Sher Karuturi who have every right to be aggrieved as the added time was extended from 6 minutes to 9. Gor's equalizer was however a true beauty of a goal in a game which they were headed for a direct loss. It will be interesting to see how K'ogalo handle their next games and if the referees assistance will be in force.
Debutants making headlines were the likes of Gervinho (Arsenal) being red carded, Sergio Aguero ( Man City) scoring a brace and giving an assist and Chelsea Manager Villas Boas starting off with a nil - nil draw against an impressive Stoke City. Being a Man U fan I cant help but be biased and complement new signing Ashley Young, academy products Tom Cleverly and Danny Welbeck for making impressive starts in this years campaign and we hope to see more of them, as for Degea, he just needs EPL experience to build his confidence. Man U man to watch out for this season, Anderson#8 and Ashley Young#18 As he weeks progress we are bound to see more exciting matches and emphatic score-lines.
The weekend also saw the end of the longest,grueling and ultimately cat and mouse transfer sagas in football history. Cesc Fabregas joined his boy hood club,FC Barcelona, for 30 million Euros plus some other clauses in a 5 year deal. Phew!! Really glad it's all over as it was becoming a big bore every season since it was a matter of when and not if.
Back home in the Kenya premier League, Gor Mahia FC recorded an unfair draw with robbed team Sher Karuturi who have every right to be aggrieved as the added time was extended from 6 minutes to 9. Gor's equalizer was however a true beauty of a goal in a game which they were headed for a direct loss. It will be interesting to see how K'ogalo handle their next games and if the referees assistance will be in force.
Monday, May 16, 2011
2008 Beijing Olympic Medalist Samuel Wanjiru Dies Aged 24
Olympic marathon champion Samuel Wanjiru has died after apparently falling from the top floor of his home in Nyahururu, central Kenya.
The police said champion died from injuries sustained after jumping from top floor of his home in Nyahururu town at about 1am local time.
The police said champion died from injuries sustained after jumping from top floor of his home in Nyahururu town at about 1am local time.
News of the death spread like bushfire in the town and by the morning many people among them athletes had thronged the Nyahururu district hospital mortuary where the body was lying.
The athletics champion was said to have jumped from his house at the Muthaiga estate in Nyahururu. Police said there was a quarrel between the runner and his wife Triza Njeri moments before he leaped to his death.
Nyandarua police chief Jasper Ombati said Wanjiru had come home at 11pm with a female friend after a social evening before the wife unexpectedly showed up moments later.
Mr Ombati said the runner was pronounced dead on arrival at the Nyahururu district hospital where he had been rushed by relatives.
Relatives found him lying on the concrete floor bleeding through the mouth and ears.
The Doctors at the district hospital tried to resuscitate him in vain. His female friend was being held at Nyahururu police station where she is helping police with investigations. The wife and a guard also recorded statements.
The Doctors at the district hospital tried to resuscitate him in vain. His female friend was being held at Nyahururu police station where she is helping police with investigations. The wife and a guard also recorded statements.
A huge crowd milled around the home by day break but the police had condoned off the area.
The sports hero was set to appear before a Nyahururu court on May 23 where he is charged with being in possession of an illegal fire arm.
In March, he had a sigh of relief after his wife and a guard, William Masinde, withdrew assault charges against him before the same court.
Monday, May 2, 2011
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Osama Bin Laden |
He was killed by U.S. forces in a mansion outside the Pakistani capital of Islamabad along with other family members according to a senior U.S. official who spoke to journalist.
In his address to the nation late Sunday night,President Obama called bin Laden's death "the most significant achievement to date in our nation's effort to defeat al Qaeda."
The United States team launched a targeted operation against that compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan and there were no American causalities. They also took care to avoid civilian casualties.They killed Osama bin Laden after a firefight and took custody of his body.
U.S. diplomatic facilities around the world have been placed on high alert after this development in fear that al Qaeda supporters may try to retaliate against U.S. citizens or U.S. institutions.
In President Obama's speech, he reiterated that the United States is not at war with Islam as even Bin Laden was not a Muslim leader; he was a mass murderer of Muslims.

Friday, March 18, 2011
Champions League Quarter Final Draw 2011
1: Real Madrid CF (ESP) Tottenham Hotspur FC (ENG)

2: Chelsea FC (ENG) Manchester United FC (ENG)

3: FC Barcelona (ESP) FC Shakhtar Donetsk (UKR)

4: FC Internazionale Milano (ITA, holders) FC Schalke 04 (GER)

Semi-final draw (26/27 April & 3/4 May)
1: Inter/Schalke VS Chelsea/Manchester United
2: Real Madrid/Tottenham VS Barcelona/Shakhtar
Final (20.45CET, 28 May, Wembley)
Winner semi-final 2 v Winner semi-final 1
The pairings from the quarter-finals onwards were determined by an open draw in which no teams were seeded and clubs from the same national association could be drawn against each other. The side drawn first will play the first leg at home. The last-four fixtures are also determined while an additional draw defined whether the winner of semi-final 1 or the winner of semi-final 2 will be considered, for administrative purposes, the home side in the final.
President Kibaki advertises for post of Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP)
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President Kibaki |
On Thursday President Kibaki advertised for the position of the Director of Public Prosecutions.
And the new DPP would have to meet high qualifications, including having at least 10 years’ experience as a superior court judge, professionally qualified magistrate, distinguished academic or law practitioner.
Further, the DPP should hold a law degree from a recognized university, or be an advocate of the High Court of Kenya, or possess an equivalent qualification in a common-law jurisdiction.
In a special issue of the Kenya Gazette, President Kibaki said an interview panel would receive and process applications, and interview and recommend at least three suitable candidates for nomination to the post.
Members of panel
Members of the panel include the Attorney-General or his representative, a representative of the Office of the President and that of the Office of the Prime Minister.
Others are a representative of the Justice ministry, two representatives from the Law Society of Kenya and one from Central Organization of Trade Unions.
The President said that the interview panel shall have the power to elect its chairperson and regulate its own procedures.
Applications should be received before March 31 by electronic mail at dppapplications@kenya.go.ke or at the Public Service ministry, Harambee House, 10th floor, in sealed envelopes. The applicants would be made public.
The DPP was one of the four top posts that were at the center of a nomination row between President Kibaki and Prime Minister Raila Odinga last month.
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PM Raila Odinga |
Mr Odinga triggered the controversy when, on January 29, he flew in from Addis Ababa and denounced the list of nominees announced a day before by President Kibaki to fill the positions of Chief Justice, Attorney-General, DPP and Controller of Budget.
The nominees were Mr Justice Alnashir Visram, Prof Githu Muigai, lawyer Kioko Kilukumi and Mr William Kirwa, respectively.
The PM claimed that he had not been consulted by the President.
After a protracted row, the President withdrew his list and said the CJ will be recruited by the Judicial Service Commissioner, while the DPP and the Controller of Budget would be recruited by the Public Service Commission.
The two principals would nominate the next AG.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
G-Funk icon Nate Dogg Dead At 41
Long Beach music legend Nathaniel D. Hale, aka Nate Dogg, has passed away at the age of 41. According to a report in the Long Beach Press-Telegram, the news was announced by his family.

Nate Dogg is best known for his work on "Regulate" with Warren G.
Hale was credited as the Soul Man of G-Funk and was nominated for four Grammys total in his lifetime. In addition to three solo albums, Nate Dogg was also featured on tracks with Dr. Dre, 50 Cent, Snoop Dogg, Eminem, and many others.
The music world has lost another iconic musician.
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Chaguo La Teeniez Awards Nominees Announced
CHAT has announced the nominees for 2011 Chaguo La Teeniez. They are varied and wide. You just need to check and vote for your favourite artist.
It award season. The nominees for this year's Chaguo la Teeniez are
A. Music Industry Awards
- Teeniez’ Male Artist
a) Jua Cali
b) Daddy Owen
c) Nonini
d) Juliani
- Teeniez’ Female Artist
a) Amani
b) Avril
c) Size 8
d) Wahu
- Teeniez’ Group or Collaboration
a) M.O.G
b) Marya and Avril
c) P-Unit
d) Sauti Sol
- Teeniez Brand New Artist
a) BMF
b) Lady B
c) QTY
d) Rapdamu
- Teeniez’ Gospel Artist
a) Daddy Owen
b) Eko Dydda
c) Jimmy Gait
d) Juliani
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Last year's nominee form |
Music Industry Awards
- Teeniez’ Gospel Song
a) Papa God Ooh –M.O.G
b) Saluti – Daddy Owen
c) Tobina – Daddy Owen
d) Wedding Day – M.O.G
Teeniez’ Hottest Track
a) Chokoza – Avril & Marya
b) Get Down- Madtraxx
c) Kare- P-Unit
d) Saluti- Daddy Owen
- Teeniez’ Most Hype Live Performer
a) Jimmy Gait
b) Juliani
c) Redsan
d) Size 8
- Teeniez Sizzlin’ Music Video
a) Chokoza
b) Get Down
c) Genge love
d) Kare
B. Radio Industry Awards
Teeniez’ Most Hype Radio Presenters
a) Breakfast show / Maina & Kinga'ng'i- Classic 105
b) Carolyne Mutoko, Jalang'o & Larry Asego – KissFM
c) Rush Hour /Shaffie and Kalekye - Kiss 100
d) Sheila Mwanyigha - Easy Fm
- Teeniez’ Blazing FM Station
a) Easy FM
b) Ghetto Radio
c) Home Boys Radio
d) Kiss FM
C. TV Industry Awards
- Teeniez’ Hottest Music & Entertainmnet Show
a) Cross over 101- NTV
b) Kubamba- Citizen TV
c) Riddim Up-K24
d) Str8 Up- KTN
- Teeniez’ TV Actor
a) Jobu
b) Ma DVD
c) OJ
d) Omosh
- Teeniez’ TV Drama/Soap
a) Beba Beba -NTV
b) Changing Times -KTN
c) Machachari -Citizen
d) Tahidi -Citizen
- Teeniez Brand New TV Show
a) Changing Times -KTN
b) Nairobi Law- Citizen
c) Higher Learning- NTV
d) Machachari-Citizen
- Teeniez’ TV Comedy or Reality Show
a) Churchill Live- NTV
b) Papa Shrindula-Citizen TV
c) Machachari-Citizen TV
d) Sakata- Citizen TV
- Teeniez Vid n Disc Jockeys
a) Dj Kalonje
b) Dj Mantix
c) Dj Rayza
d) Dj Wesley
- Teeniez’ TV Actress
a) Gabi – Tabasamu
b) Shish – Tahidi High
c) Tanya – Tahidi High
d) Tasha - Bebabeba
D. Celebrity Awards
- Teeniez’ Role Model
a) Cecelia Mwangi
b) David Rudisha
c) Martha Karua
d) McDonald Mariga
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